Why Are Ink Genie's Prices So Low?
The short answer is that we rescue unused ink cartridges from going into landfills. Each of our products are original printer ink and toner cartridges that we buy from other businesses that don’t need them. It allows us to resell them at a lower price. Let us share with you how our process can offer you such unbelievable prices…
When businesses or individuals purchase new printers, either because the old one broke or they upgraded to a newer model, the ink that was purchased for the old printer is now just sitting on a shelf. Rather than tossing the ink in the garbage, they sold their surplus ink to us, Ink Genie. But we don’t just buy any ink, it has to meet our excellence standards before we feel comfortable selling it to our customers.
To make sure we always have the best selection for you, our team is constantly looking for new products, models, and sellers that allow us to offer you more and better deals through our website.
But how is it that you always have cheap ink and toner products?
One way we can really compete and offer the best prices on original ink and toner cartridges is what we at Ink Genie call The Perfect Imperfection.

We sell printer cartridges that are new as well as those that may have some slight damage to the box or with no box at all at discounted prices. These products are always in excellent condition and securely sealed, meaning that those small imperfections turn into perfect opportunities for us and for you
We are able to purchase these cartridges at a discount and with these huge money savings, we pass it on to our customers by giving them the option to purchase ink and toners at a huge discount too.
These incredible prices are divided into 3 options:
- Perfect box - You will still find our ink cartridges are cheaper than in any major store, both are in perfect brand-new condition; packaging and the product itself.
- Blemished box - The packaging might have a nick, a scratch or a dent, but the item is brand new, these ink and toner products have a slight discount on our website.
- No box (Toner only) - This will always have the manufacturer’s pull-tab intact, since the item is brand new, we take extra precautions when shipping, and these toner cartridges have a significant discount on our website.
- Clearance Ink cartridges - These ink cartridges are otherwise perfect and will work just like an ink cartridge in a perfect box, but may be close or past their manufacturer’s warranty date or may have no box at all..
But this is not just about buying ink and toners at a good price, there is also a great environmental impact from buying our products.
Usually, unused ink cartridges end up in the trash and ultimately in the landfills. Since there is a culture of buying only what is perfect, large retailers are not in the business of saving these quality print cartridges from the landfills, even if they are just as good as a brand new one. That’s where we come in and to ensure that the cartridge gets used before it goes to the landfill; both saving the cartridges and our planet.
Ink and toner cartridges take hundreds of years to decompose in a landfill and by using cartridges that would ultimately end up in the dump, you are helping to save the planet one cartridge at a time, while buying them at a great price.
Attentive customer service, amazing quality, cheap prices, beneficial environmental impact, at Ink Genie we strive to offer only the best!
We are proud of our values and we thank our more than 10,000 customers who leave us great reviews like the ones you will find on our website, we appreciate your reviews and helping us to share your experience.